Saturday, December 31, 2011

Présidentielle 2012: Voeux 2012 des candidats

Les candidats à l’Elysée Eva Joly (Europe Écologie Les Verts), François Bayrou (Mouvement démocrate), Corinne Lepage (Cap21) et Dominique de Villepin (République Solidaire) ont envoyé dès vendredi 30 décembre leurs voeux 2012 aux Français. Via

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

French Christmas Vocab

Marché de Noël à Strasbourg
Handy French Christmas terms by French Language’s prolific Laura K Lawless! What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus than with vocab.

For more Christmassy online goodies, explore Laura K Lawless’ article on Christmas in France and her bilingual article on Marché de Noël de Strasbourg. The French Language site also features a lively forum, French verb conjugator and an abundance of quizzes.

Advent calendar un calendrier de l’Avent
angel un ange
Bogeyman Père Fouettard
candle une chandelle
Christmas Noël
Christmas card une carte de Noël
Christmas carol un noël, un chant de Noël
Christmas Day le jour de Noël
Christmas Eve la veille de Noël
Christmas feast le Réveillon

Monday, December 12, 2011

Présidentielle 2012: Dominique de Villepin announces candidature

The charismatic Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister under Jacques Chriac, has just announced he will be running for president. The founder of the République solidaire party (RS) stated: “J’entends défendre une certaine idée de la France.” Read more at and on de Villepin’s blog.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Présidentielle 2012: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan candidat à l’Elysée “pour sortir de la crise”

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of “Gaullist” party Debout la République, has announced his candidature for the 2012 French presidential election. Denouncing the summit at Brussels as a “une gigantesque escroquerie” (giant fraud), he promises to deliver France from the present crisis by “relocalising employment”. Read more at!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eurovision 2012: France’s Entry

The French Eurovision act for 2012 goes by the name of Anggun. Originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, she released her first record at the age of 9, launched her international career in 1994 and has to date released five albums in French.

A French citizen since 2000, she has become extremely popular, releasing songs in several languages across Europe, the US and Asia. She says that despite not being born in France, the chance to represent the country at Eurovision will be a fantastic opportunity to truly represent the France of today, comprising a mix of many cultures.

The 2012 Eurovision Song Contest is being held in Baku, Azerbaijan, the country which won last year's contest. SBS host Julia Zemiro will be covering the event (broadcast schedules to be announced). To hear her discuss next year’s Eurovision competition as well as an abundance of other fascinating subjects, have a listen to our podcast, where we chat with her over coffee.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Star Bilingue: Marcello Mastroianni

Ce numéro de “L’Homme en question”, consacré à Marcello Mastroianni, est enregistré à Cannes pendant le Festival de 1978. Dans cet autoportrait filmé dans les environs de Rome, Marcello se livre sur sa vie, ses goûts, ses défauts, sa carrière et son statut de star.