Contact Us

French Club BBQ 2011
Want to be in touch with the French Club?
Any and all French Club enquiries should be directed to our Facebook page. A member of the Committee will endeavour to reply to you ASAP! Otherwise, feel free to simply write a post on our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you!

Website enquiries?
 If you would like to contribute a piece of news, a cultural item or a review (be it of a restaurant, film, book, album), please do be in touch on facebook! Your contributions will be most welcome.

What if I don't like Facebook?
If you would prefer not to use facebook, you can follow us on this blog or on instagram. Additionally we have an email address for contact purposes, it can be found our flyer on the French notice board (it's in the same corridor as the staff offices). Try to catch us at O-Week or talk to French teacher if you need more information.